Questa è la noia.
I should study science and mathematics. Should I do my homework. Instead I'm here to your computer. Obvious.
Since I have nothing better to do, answer a few little question ... kindly taken by .
Here are the rules - Write this list changing my answers with yours and publish.
1. You are so named because someone else was called by that name?
No, just like my mom (if it was for my grandparents I would call Maria Cristina u_u)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Honestly I do not remember ... a week ago? (More or less)
3. Do you like your handwriting?
there Comme ça comme ... is nice, but it looks messy ... a letter on a down ...
4. What is your favorite meal of meat?
steak ... nothing special ... I like simple food
5. Do you have children?
Currently no! We'll talk about in 10 years.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
u_u I did not think the people who look like me initially are unpleasant, then I appreciate, but we remain in touch long.
I never expected to be real. I've always loved to laugh, and consequently all the people who made me laugh, but I thought I would be more appropriate to listen to ... Lately I'm realizing it to be much more ironic and funny media.
8. You still have your tonsils?
course =)
9. You'd Bungee Jumping?
But even for all the gold in the world suffer from vertigo and hate things too much adrenaline.
10. What is your favorite cereal?
do not know ... the grain? (For all foods that come ...)
11. Do you untie your shoes before remove it?
Usually not, except when I converse high. (Do I have to loose, if not, do not remove)
13. Your favorite ice cream?
pistachio and hazelnut. From birth, forever.
14. What do you notice first thing in other people?
Shyness, I think. At first glance perceives as a person is introverted or extroverted and open / shy. Then it bothers me when "aggressive" against someone, when they are very authoritarian ... Ah, also known voice: I hate little shrieks of "goose" ... for the series: "I love today You are delightful! Noooo, but where'd you get that bag? "-.-"
15. Red or pink ?
Red. (Note the color of all applications).
16. What do you like least about yourself?
.-. The character because so with the aggressive moves by in a nanosecond and I can not control it.
17. What do you miss most?
I miss my friend ... and I miss my class last year *-* (if by "missing" means "to have nostalgia"). If you are going "What I did not, but I need" real friends.
18. Would that everyone complete this list?
They are free to do what they want!
19. What color pants and shoes you have now?
blue jeans and white superga with comics.
20. What music are you listening?
day_Green King for a Day (repeat)
21. A desire?
the first place: to find people that are important to me. Second, go to a concert.
22. If I were a crayon what color would you be?
23. Favourite smell?
D & G The One Rose: two sprays daily.
24. What was the last person you talked on the phone?
a friend who always calls me -.- "
25. Do you like the person who sent you this?
well not have sent me ... I got it I ... cmq me and is nice =)
football ... Why just look at that. (No, seriously, for two years at school I saw the football tournament and I enjoyed a lot to cheer)
27. Hair Color
28. Eye color?
hazelnut surrounded by a sort of dark green. But everyone is just "brown". And to think that there was little I had blue *-*
29. Do you wear contact lenses?
No. 30. Favorite foods?
Chocolate. Pizza. Chips.
31. Horror movies or happy ending?
A happy ending, but not trivial.
32. Last movie seen?
Um ... The Princess and the Frog u_u I do not talk about movies, I am angry because Last week I failed to go see Harry Potter ... grrrr ... so I have to wait until Sunday.
33. Color of the shirt you're wearing?
red sweatshirt (fancy that, eh?) And in black t-shirt.
34. Summer or winter? Between these two
choose winter, or spring!
35. Hugs or kisses?
say ... hugs =)
37. Who will answer most likely?
None? But I know!
38. Who will respond less likely?
All LJ users who are not my friends. (Captain Obvious u_u)
39. What book are you reading?
I just finished "I love mini shopping" and "Kot". I took the other books in the library, but I do not want to read them.
40. What's on your mouse pad?
I do not have a mouse pad. u_u
41. What you saw on TV last night?
Nothing! Glee I have seen the computer.
42. Your favorite sounds?
The sound of rain, the piano ... and the electric guitar in "Do not Look Back in Anger" by Oasis.
equal merit.
44. What is the farthest from home you've visited?
Switzerland and Molise. That distance, eh? u_u
45. You have a special talent?
Yes, the talent to copy without being caught. A keen intuition. The talent for English and Latin, as well as providing a song for every word in a sentence. (Type "I'm waiting ... Mark and I start to sing:" Mark's gone and never returns "...). Ok, maybe I do not have the talent to modesty.
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