Finally I posted ... OTP a list? Better late than never
I had promised to IRAM, I had promised ten thousand times, and since I finally have a free hour, I finally decided to do My very first post here.
Mh ... pleasure, I am Nenya Higurashi, but since I do not like presentations that do not add another and 'copy' of the post Nekovale (we have not already heard it somewhere, by the way?).
Well, I'm also a OTP list, then I'll see What post later .... but at least the first post I did, eh Mari ...
Vincent / Yuffie (Final Fantasy VII)
Shippo them since I was 10 years and do not intend to stop now: I state that for me Drigo of Cerberus and Advent Children are not only having made a mess tremendous with the characterization and I refuse to accept (as I do with Before Crisis and Crisis Core). Yes, maybe now they are 'more canon' with Doc, but I do not care for me the real figures are those of the original saga, not a hysterical little girl who makes faces and says "uhgh, insects that suck" ; after opening the backside to countless RubRumDragon ...
For more Yuffie is supposed to suffer in the Airship travel while in AC is not the case, this confirms to me that it is not her, but his evil clone (and Pirlo).
Well, I think I liked them at first sight because ... Well, he's immediately Yuffie game with jokes until I found the man in the basement of Shinra Maison ... and it was love. I'd better nonv ada forward or simply part a campaign against "Compilation of FFVII" rather than a serious comment on these two. In any case, I also like it I have the impression that Yuffie would Never go back in the role of 'princess to save on duty' when many maidens fall, although this was raped in ten thousand ways in fanfiction. Let's face it, Vincent is the princess waiting for her knight, at least for my point of view>: 3
Ps: I love Yuffie and Vincent malsopporto, just for the record.
KamuixSubaru (X1999)
Another pairing that I love, is my final one side. And, I stress, one side because I can not in any way to see a solution where Subaru might be interested in the little while Kamui seems more interested (At least as friendship) with a shaman.
I like them as they are crazy about them.
MarthxLink (Super Smash Bros Saga)
Okay, it's all the fault of the Japanese fandom ... have made them a lovely couple and I am officially crazy for them. Let it be clear that 'canon' I've always been a LinkxZelda in most games and a LinkxMidna in Twilight Princess, but ... Super Smash Bros. fandom in these two go well together for me, I read the comic were awesome: D
TakuyaxKoji (Digimon Frontier)
Seriously the wise man would say: "Digimon Frontier Yay I has the Highest Density of Any non-Porny show I have EVER SEEN. It's "Over Nine Thousaaaaaand" ... Okay, maybe it would be more applicable to a series such as 07-ghost, but you must admit it was really a very high level of the Shone in this damned souls
XD I like together, I find it perfectly able to compensate and are always ready to support each other even if their most belligerent way ... My OTP digimon universe, I think: 3
TakaoxKai (Beyblade)
What about pairing a canonized author same? XD Maybe my only canon of the many that I XD Anyway Shippo them from a life and do not know what I'm frustrated to know that there are no sub for any series of beyblade in any language ... I find the episodes in Italian and be content?
not fair!
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