Monday, December 31, 2007
How Long To Use Superpump 250
Good Good Fine and starts !!!!!!
un beso a todos
Dont & Ari
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Plastic Pants For Husband
Last night while I was in bed, I took a strange melancholy ............ It will be the arrival of the holidays, which will be given The severe cold can not breathe good ............ But last night while I was under the covers came to my mind when we went down to Rome for Christmas with his grandparents. A little 'I was surprised, mainly because I never want to go down ....... you always quarreled during the previous day, had to fight with mental illness (not mine here )....... ..... but it was nice to see Rome, wander around the holes or go to Piazza Navona to see bancaralle and the stream of people ............ Stay in the kitchen with Grandma , that even if the Pittolo frying, always smelled of cologne (I think that only a South American writer might describe to do it justice) and the little boy with his grandfather who returned the dog was still around !!!!! Now the grandparents are gone and there is not even the dog ................... Waking up the gloom did not pass, not the spleen of classical order is perhaps because of deaths in addition to my day today marks an inauspicious .............. it would be nice to hear that beautiful voice strong ................ happy and fortunate that we have the memories ..............
So among my memories I found this
When you set out for Ithaca
hope your road is long
full of adventure and discovery. The
or Cyclops, the angry Neptune fear not:
will not be 'this kind of meetings
thoughts remain lofty, if a
feeling stirs your spirit and your body. In
Cyclops Lestrigoni not sure, it
'Neptune incurring the wrath
if you do not carry them within your soul if you do not set them up.
Pray that the road is long,
that there be many summer mornings when
ports - at last and with what joy -
you touch the ground for the first time at Phoenician trading
linger and buy
pearl and coral, ebony and amber, all
fine merchandise, perfumes and even
piercing of all kinds, more '
intoxicating perfumes as you can, go
in many cities' Egyptian
learn a quantity' of the learned things.
Also you have in mind Ithaca -
Arriving there is your constant thought.
Above all, however, 'do not hurry the journey
if it lasts long, for years, and that old
reach the island, you, full of treasures
gained on the way, not expecting Ithaca to riches.
Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage
without her you would never put
travel: what else do you expect?
And if you find her poor, Ithaca you will have 'disappointed. Without
wise now, with so much experience already on
'you have understood what' Ithaca that mean.
(1911 - Konstantinos Cavafy)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Josh Hutcherson In Underwear
I've always been fascinated discourse of the past !!!!! It would be nice to know what it was before ... I've always kind of imagined eserre was Egyptian, or a knight, etc. .... but I never tried to make an imaginary hypnosis to find out who I was, but last night I had a strange confirmation in the gym ................. Arrive at the gym, and I change starts with heating and then so on with other exercises, last night I had ricodata to bring the MP3 player ..... Ok it's time the treadmill, through it to find the right parts .... via 7-speed, excessive speed !!!!!!! Beginning with my beloved Ramones and then off with Killing Joke .............. jaw contracted, very serious and concentrated expression ........... spend so ....... 30 minutes of a sudden I look at my reflection in the glass and had the lighting ................... in a previous life I was. .......... a hamster Mad !!!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Tech Deck Biggest Skate Park For Sale
Two! I never liked even numbers, too complete, too serious (but do not ask for it with his head) But today is beautiful as beautiful as the number .... just spent the weekend !!!!!!!!!! ! It all started Friday night with a pink bow pergamenina ........... the best gift one night in Venice !!!!!!!!!!!!!! What could be more romantic than a night at Veneziaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!! In the morning partiamo, ancora sonnacchiosi, partiamo su questo treno................finalmente arriviamo e la cosa più bella è stata vedere l'espressione di stupore sul suo viso, incredulo davanti a una Venezia così bella.....così strana..... così affascinante..............così acqua..... Ridendo come matti cerchiamo l'albergo...........splendido e molto figo....lasciamo gli orpelli alla volta della città, nel mentre lo stupore cresceva ...................ingordi di vedere tutto ci aggiriamo stravolti e gasati da tutto quella grandiosità, un po' decadente di Venezia.Stanchi morti torniamo in albergo per prepararci per la cena (ok io nannegggio alla grande, avvinghiata alla mio solito modo, come a richieder la solita protezione that has always sought and that only he can give me )........... retrace our steps and after we lost to the labyrinth of alleys, we find ourselves in the place where we wanted to eat, and eat the impossible full of eggs as we return to the hotel, surprised by the silence that reigns !!!!! The next day we get lost in a flurry of masks, jewelry, stained glass ........ we get lost in the beauty of Venice seen from the outside and the gray sky ........... back to the station ......... the dream / real molasses is coming back completely real .............. altered immersed in the mist ....... .................. I have never got a city I love ....................